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Tourism in Russia


Tourism in Russia

It’s difficult to imagine something more diverse and complicated to explain than great and immense Russia. Here is the former capital Saint Petersburg that remains the leading cultural city with its strict spirit and refined architecture. Here is wide and merchant, always carousing Moscow, still famous for its domes and Bell tower of Ivan the Great at the head. Here are the cradle of Russian statehood Veliky Novgorod, the frontier and always struggling Pskov, Volga’s fascinating Yaroslavl, Kazan and famous "pocket of Russia" – Nizhny Novgorod. The great Siberian expanses with striking variety of natural sights and ancient cities. The rich with beauty and severe climate Far East borders that seem inaccessible. Russia is so big and diverse that everyone is able to find here something interesting and special for oneself.

Some admire the immense expanses of steppe, fresh verdure of taiga and tundra blooming in spring. Others are delighted with gorgeous architectural monuments of big cities, where the life doesn’t stop even for a minute. And someone sets of to conquer the little lonely villages and remote towns that keep the spirit of the times gone long since.

And there is a plenty of wonders and miracles that are revealed throughout the expanse from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean!

Speaking of Russia, it is impossible not to use clichés and stock phrases - such things have turned into clichés, because the most of them are true.

Moscow and Saint Petersburg

Year after year these two capitals like magnet attract thousands of tourists. Museums, art galleries, palaces, churches, monasteries, monuments, landmarks, gardens and parks, theaters and concert halls, unusual skating rinks, and aqua parks…the list is endless. It is impossible to visit all the places of interest and to attend all the excursions of the North and the official capitals.

Here you have poetic Pushkin’s St. Petersburg and mysterious Bulgakov's Moscow, crazy tours around bars and inspiring theatrical marathons. The cultural life is in full swing in St. Petersburg and in Moscow: colorful festivals, unusual fairs and diverse exhibitions are held all the time. In general the two capitals are the best places for event tourism.

It is important that the suburbs of St. Petersburg also deserve tourists’ attention. Tsarskoye Selo, Pavlovsk, Lomonosov and Peterhof are the important historical heritage of Russia. As well as charming estates and cozy little towns strewn like beads of a necklace throughout the Moscow region: Abramtzevo, Ostafyevo, Arkhangelskoe, Klin, Serpukhov and Chekhov.

It’s convenient to travel about the famous and charming Golden Ring cities, starting in Moscow. And if you are in St. Petersburg, it’s a sin not to visit northern picturesque Karelia and to reach Valaam Island or to set off to Veliky Novgorod for a couple of days.

Moreover, while traveling in the Central District, it is interesting to visit the great sights of Tula region: Tolstoy’s Yasnaya Polyana, Kulikovo Field and the Tula Kremlin.

The Golden Ring of Russia

The Golden Ring of Russia is a real treasury of Russian culture and has one of the most outstanding and exciting tours, it is definitely a must-see attraction. The Golden Ring unites a couple of dozen wonderful ancient Russian cities revealing the history of ancient Russia. Besides the full-blown excursion tourism in these noticeable cities, the event tourism is also picking up speed nowadays.

There one can be absorbed in Russian traditions, traditional folk festivals, wide mass celebrations and participate in them.

The calendar of events in the cities of the Golden Ring

  • February. Rostov Veliky. "Rostov Merrymaking - With a Wave of a Wand" Folk fest.

  • The end of February – the beginning of March. Shrovetide.

  • July. Rostov Veliky and Pereslavl-Zaleski: "The Golden Ring of Russia" aerostatics festival.

  • July. Suzdal. The museum of wooden architecture: "The Cucumber Festival" – a gleeful street festivities popular both among adult guests of the city and the children.

When to go

Best of all is to go sightseeing in June, July or August, because the weather is friendly and the nature is blossoming.

The best time for photo tourism is September or May.

From December to February you can find the charming of the ancient cities covered with snow-white winter dressing.

In October, November, March and April the weather may unfortunately spoil the impression of the trip.


The huge and diverse Siberia with its incredible nature is worth coming there at least once in a lifetime! In Siberia you should see the impressive Altai Mountains, endless steppes of Khakassia, and the eternal ice of Taimyr Peninsula. Teletskoye Lake - the gem of the Altai, and the world’s deepest Lake Baikal with Olkhon Island are the greatest world’s heritage. Antique cities Tyumen, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, the ancient Siberian capital Tobolsk, and Achairsky monastery bring pleasant feelings of a special faraway land. Enigmatic places: "Okunevskaya Ark" that attracts flying saucers and the unique nature sanctuary Stolby in the Krasnoyarsk region. In winter it’s great to ski in Bobrovi Log resort, and in summer to get acquainted with the indigenous peoples - Khanty, Mansi, Evenki, Nenets. These people's way of life is very interesting and unusual for modern city citizens.

The famous Trans-Siberian Railway can become a great adventure from Moscow to Vladivostok, Russian trains are also a special part of national culture. The impressions and emotions are incomparable and no other mode of transport can be as exciting as Russian train. It is a real wonder to watch how the climatic and time zones take turns behind the window, and the traveler views the most beautiful places of the country: Baikal, Khekhtsirski ridge, Barguzin mountains, and Yenisei River. The total length of the Trans-Siberian Railway is 5771 miles. It is the longest railway in the world, and Siberia takes 3169 miles. With the fastest train you can get from Moscow to Vladivostok in "just" 6 days and 2 hours.

Russian North

Russian North is usually referred to Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions. Here Russian folk traditions of architecture and art are well-preserved. Remarkable examples of wooden architecture, ancient churches and monasteries, sparingly preserved ancient rituals - all these things made the Russian North a real reserve of folk culture. The touristic potential of the region is vast and travelers are attracted with wonderful nature and the abundance of historical monuments, which include some in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Russian North eco-tourism is developing with increased speed. Fatigued from civilization guests choose cosy wooden houses by the water and wander through the forests looking for mushrooms and berries, hunting and fishing. Russian North is famous for its forests and the richness of calm nature. Adventure holidays offer white-water rafting with routes made up for all levels of training.

In winter Veliky Ustyug is a must-see - the town is a motherland of Russian Father Frost. It is an interesting adventure for both adults and children. According to the ancient Russian tradition people have an opportunity to meet Father Frost and to make a wish or to ask for a present.

Russian North Places of Interest

The Arkhangelsk region.

Arkhangelsk itself is a unique place with its ancient quarters with traditional wooden houses and wood-lined sidewalks. The unique open air museum of wooden architecture “Malye Korely”; the Kargopol museum preserve; Kenozersky National park with its villages; ancient monastery in the Kiy Island; geological preserve “Golubinskie Caves”.

The Vologda region.

Ferapontov monastery (with frescoes dated the year 1502) and the Spaso-Prilutsky Monastery are the great places of interest where one can enjoy tranquility and solitude.


Vologda is the city if churches. It is a bright city with wide streets and you can see beautiful domes from any place of the city. The atmosphere there is really fascinating. Vologda is the motherland of lace. The biggest museum of lace is situated there. Every year lace-makers from all over the world gather in Vologda for lace-making competition. Also there you can find famous Vologda butter, its receipt is kept in secret till nowadays. Annually the international movie fest “VOICES” is held in Vologda.

The national park "Russian North" in Kilillov area is a place where all the peculiarities of northern nature are gathered and presented for guests.

Handicraft and commercial cities Belozersk, Totma, Ustyuzhna and Vytegra on the shore of Lake Onega are the examples of quite lifestyle at the peace with nature.